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Potissimum for Residential applications
Thanks to its special manufacturing process, POTISSIMUM ® residential electro-welded steel grating system offers...
Potissimum Industry
Thanks to its special manufacturing process, POTISSIMUM ® industrial electro-welded steel grating system offers...
Recintha 202
The linearity of the mesh gives this fence a stylish look, while double horizontal wires makes it robust and secure;...
Recintha N/L
An elegant and lightweight fencing solution, RECINTHA ® N/L panels have a “V” shaped profile that gives a pleasing...
Recintha Safety
This is a high security fencing system. The structure makes it virtually impossible to use shears on and, as it does...
STADION is a fence specifically develop for sport application, realized also thanks to the cooperation offered by the...
Standard grating steps
For outdoor and emergency stairs are mainly used STANDARD GRATING STEPS due to their compliance with loading...
STEROPE ® is a flagship among the Nuova Defim Orsogril branded fencing products, matching elegance and aesthetic with...
UTILIOR ® press-locked gratings versatile manufacturing process offers an extremely wide mesh opening range to choose...
Vertical Semi-finished Grating
Wall Cladding
As a complement to the assortment of fencing products, Nuova Defim Orsogril offers a large number of semi-finished...
