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Apply a nice bit of creativity to a product born for the industrial market and here's a fence that adds a new peculiar look to the well established...
Download the application "Nuova Defim" from the Apple Store and Google Play . Discover our solutions for fences, welded mesh panels and gratings...
From July the 1st 2014, all products intended to be incorporated permanently in civil engineering projects must be CE marked, the European Regulation...
Nuova Defim
On May the 20th, the steel industry community and the companies related to it have an appointment for the Made in Steel exhibition during three days...
A very special Recintha Safety fence for Brazil
The Recintha Safety like you've never seen it before, joining the visual screening to the security. It is not about houses or industrial complexes,...
It is already the symbol of the Italian Pavilion and it will be the reference point for all Expo 2015 visitors. This is "The Tree of Life" : a steel...
Batimatec 2015: focus on Algeria
Algiers will be hosting the 18th edition of Batimatec, the most important event dedicated to the Algerian building and construction market sectors...
The aim was to requalify a former industrial area, renovating existing buildings and realizing new ones, to create the "City of Culture" in Milan...
Life Electric, anche l’acciaio è protagonista
Work in progress for the Como lake waterfront, caring the tradition in a modern style. To make the project feasible is the "Life Electric" monument,...


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